Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Israel supporters post ‘rape tunnel maps’ on London Underground


 October 7, 2024

Hamas’s extensive tunnel network in Gaza, much of which was dismantled by the IDF, was larger than London’s subway system. 

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

On the first anniversary of the October 7th massacre, Israel supporters placed “rape tunnel map” posters throughout the London Underground to raise awareness about the terror group’s sexual crimes and to advocate for the release of hostages.

The goal of the campaign was to put up posters at every station of “The Tube.”

Hamas’s extensive tunnel network in Gaza, much of which was dismantled by the IDF, was larger than London’s subway system.

Anti-Israel protesters have often used the London Underground as a prime location to post misinformation about the Gaza conflict.

A graphic similar to London Underground maps on the posters suggested Gaza tunnel routes.

The text at the bottom of the posters read, “On October 7th, 2023, Hamas murdered hundreds and kidnapped hundreds. The UK government must do all it can to  ensure the release of 100 hostages still unaccounted for after 365 days of terror.”

The campaign was intended to counteract demonstrations involving tens of thousands of anti-Israel protesters marching through London ahead of the first anniversary of the October 7th massacre.

The group behind the campaign, London Against Hamas, issued a statement, “On the first anniversary of the unimaginable horrors committed by Hamas murderers on October 7th, 2024, the tunnels of London Underground today have featured maps showing that terror organization’s Rape Tunnels of Gaza.”

“Trains on every Underground line now feature “Gaza Underground” maps, reminding Londoners for what appalling purposes Hamas have created their subterranean network – rape, murder, torture, further terrorist activities – as supporters call for the UK Government to do everything to ensure the release of the 100 hostages still unaccounted for after 365 days,” the statement continued.

On Monday, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer vowed to “stand behind the Jewish community” and called October 7th “The darkest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust.”

“One year on from these horrific attacks, we must unequivocally stand with the Jewish community and unite as a country. We must never look the other way in the face of hate,” the Prime Minister said.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Douglas Murray: A Time of War

 When we planned this episode of Honestly, I thought we would be looking back at the past year from a slightly quieter vantage point. We were going to release it on October 7. But quiet is the last thing happening in the Middle East right now.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 Brigitte Gabriel tells the story of how Islamists overran her country Lebanon 🇱🇧 with the aid of Islamic countries in the 1970s.

It's important to note that religion and thus religious extremism is dangerous and needs to be checked especially in Africa so that what happened to the Middle East won't Take place on the continent. This is the reason why the enlightenment and advocacy towards naturalism needs to be intensified in Africa and the world.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

BBC’s Bowen Claims “Israel Trying to Control the Media”

Video - HOSPITAL turned Into A Military TERROR Operation Center  http://tinyurl.com/24ct5ws6 

For the full article go to - http://tinyurl.com/63m2d4rs

BBC’s Jeremy Bowen complains that “Israel continues to prevent independent journalistic access to Gaza – it will do so until there is a ceasefire and even then, if Israel remains in control of the territory, I am not sure we will be allowed in.

I don't think the Israeli forces are worried about whether we are safe in there or not – I think there are things they don't want us to see and that they want to master the media battlefield. So they are fighting on all fronts and controlling the media is one of them.

If you look at Israeli TV, it is focused 24/7 on Gaza of course. But what you don’t see is Palestinian suffering. You see troops, the home front, constant reminders of what happened on 7 October. You see the pain of the hostage families.

What you do not see are stories of individual Palestinians, nor the colossal scale of the damage going on in Gaza.

So this is his point of biased view, but let’s break this down.

  1. Israel’s borders with Gaza are shut. Period.
  2. Foreign journalists were previously able to enter the Gaza Strip through the Erez Crossing, which has been closed since October 7 after Hamas destroyed it.. There is no “business as usual” for passage between Israel and Gaza for anyone, including journalists.
  3. The international media do, however, have the ability to attempt to enter Gaza through the Rafah Crossing on the Egyptian side.
  4. But Bowen believes that Israel is preventing foreign media from entering because “there are things they don’t want us to see and that they want to master the media battlefield.

”It is arguably not to Israel’s benefit that foreign journalists are not in Gaza. Because Palestinian stringers and agenda-driven Arab outlets such as Al Jazeera are currently the only ones supplying all of the coverage from inside the Strip.

  1. Despite a steady flow of damaging footage from Gaza showing injured women and children while suspiciously never showing Hamas terrorists, Bowen still believes Israel is “controlling the media.”

But is Israel also controlling its domestic media in the cause of ensuring its people don’t see any Palestinian suffering? Israel’s government may wish it had some semblance of control over the country’s newspapers and TV stations but the reality is that Israeli media is fiercely independent.

Israel is a country still traumatized by those events and for Bowen to expect Israeli media to be broadcasting the same sympathetic content on Gaza as his own BBC or other foreign media is both unrealistic and meant to portray Israelis as somehow immune to the suffering of ordinary Palestinians.

How dare Bowen make such a judgment. Israelis are still processing and trying to come to terms with October 7 and the resulting impact on the country. Israeli TV news is now broadcasting footage of the funerals of Israeli soldiers, many of whom were reservists who left their families and day jobs to defend their country. Many may have lost their lives because the IDF has used ground troops rather than airstrikes precisely to avoid causing Palestinian civilian casualties.

Jeremy Bowen is correct: there is a media battlefield. Israel has every right to fight on that battlefield especially when foreign journalists like himself weaponize their news reports to assault the Jewish state.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

“Money Talks and the Mullahs Kill”

Video of the week -Cost of Ceasefire is Unacceptable! http://tinyurl.com/yc4b988s

For the full Article go to - http://tinyurl.com/yck69r7p

by Majid Rafizadeh  •  December 9, 2023

  1. Not surprisingly, billions from the West have enabled the Iranian regime to help plan, finance and support, among other aggressions, the invasion of Israel and genocidal massacre of Jews perpetrated by Hamas on October 7. Western money gifted to Iran is also helping the regime advance its nuclear weapons program to near-completion by "a few weeks or less, after which they can make as many bombs as they like.
  2. The more money the Iranian regime is handed, the more trouble it causes.
  3. Compared to the tens of billion the US delivers to Iran, the US government's annual $3.8 billion investment in Israel -- which invariably inspires extensive howling from some quarters -- is proportionately bus fare.
  4. It is high-time for the Biden administration to learn from previous administrations -- inconveniently for them, Republican -- that only economic and military pressure work on rogue and predatory regimes such as Iran. Appeasement, regrettably.... just ignites conflict.

The Biden administration's policy towards the expansionist regime of Iran has been anchored in appeasement policies, including handing over billions of dollars in a seeming effort to bribe Iran's mullahs not to cause even further trouble in the Middle East before the US presidential election on November 5, 2024.

Not surprisingly, billions from the West have enabled the Iranian regime to help plan, finance and support, among other aggressions, the invasion of Israel and genocidal massacre of Jews perpetrated by Hamas on October 7. Western money gifted to Iran is also helping the regime advance its nuclear weapons program to near-completion by "a few weeks or less, after which they can make as many bombs as they like.

From the Iranian regime's dispiriting record of cheating (such as here, here and here), no "deal" will stop them.

The more money the Iranian regime is handed, the more trouble it causes.

Continue Reading Article



Tuesday, December 5, 2023

American Muslim Women Visit Ravaged Kibbutz

Video - UNRWA Staff Praised Hamas Genocide - https://tinyurl.com/42z3zedd

American-Muslim women leaders visit scene of Hamas massacre

‘I feel Israel is fighting for the whole world,’ said one of the women.

For the Full Article By Etgar Lefkovits - https://tinyurl.com/27sf5ehc

A reverential silence fell on the room as the four American-Muslim women bowed their heads in prayer on Friday for the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel.

Moments earlier, the interfaith crowd in the apartment in this western Negev city, which included Muslims, Jews, a white-turbaned Sikh, a mixed Israeli family, and Mayor Yitzhak Danino, stood mesmerized as the Arabic words of supplication for the Israelis murdered in the massacre were intoned.

“The Muslim world was [mostly] silent about what happened on Oct. 7,” Bangladeshi-born Farhana Kohrshed, 51, who moved to Boston as a teenager, told the group. “We are here to denounce what Hamas has done to you.”

The extraordinary delegation of Muslim women leaders traveled, in extraordinary times, through war-torn southern Israel this weekend, braving renewed Hamas rocket attacks as the cease-fire collapsed and taking cover outside as the projectiles struck nearby.



They hunkered down under a playground as rockets struck while they viewed damaged homes and heard the story of 81-year-old Geula Baher. When the Hamas terrorists broke into her home in Kibbutz Be’eri, she told her husband and nephew to hide. The terrorists then fatally stabbed her in her living room.

About 10% of the Gaza border kibbutz’s 1,100 residents were murdered on Oct. 7.

Be’eri had been on their itinerary, but with the end of the ceasefire and the renewal of the war, it was closed to all non-military personnel on Friday.

Next, they traveled to Ofakim, which lost 52 residents in the attack. They visited the bullet-ridden home of Rachel Edri, the grandmother who outsmarted the Hamas terrorists who had taken her and her husband hostage.

They then met the Elfasi family. The mother, Tali, a 40-year-old Moroccan Muslim woman, and her husband, David, a 56-year-old Moroccan Jew, have six children and have lived in the city for the last two decades. They do not have a safe room, and so they sheltered with an ultra-Orthodox Jewish upstairs neighbor during the Hamas attack.

The visitors then headed to a meeting with leaders in the Bedouin city of Rahat, who spoke about some of the 19 members of their community who were among the 1,200 persons murdered on Oct. 7.



The women repeatedly embraced the victims’ families at each stop, offering them strength.

“This is the real Israel that you never hear about on the news,” said Anila Ali, 56, president and CEO of the American Muslim and Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Council. “This is the Israel nobody knows about,” she told JNS during the tour.

Ali was born in Pakistan where, she said, she was taught to “hate and fear,” and moved to the U.S. as a young mother after several years in Saudi Arabia showed her a different version of Islam. She recently made headlines—and received death threats from California, where she used to live—for her speech at last month’s massive March for Israel in Washington, D.C., which ended with the Hebrew words “Am Yisrael Chai,” “the Nation of Israel Lives.”

“As Muslim Americans we are in a unique position to show others a mirror,” she said. “The evil is [among] us who do not allow our children to live in peace and want perpetual war.”

The war that began nearly two months ago is not about Israelis and Palestinians but about good and evil, Ali said.

“Universally we are taught that Israel is the oppressor and that the Palestinians have lost their homeland,” said Soraya M. Deen, 60, from Los Angeles, who was born in Sri Lanka and came to the U.S. as a young adult. “It’s like an oath to support the Palestinians, and people don’t even differentiate between Hamas and Palestinians. Many lines are blurred.”



She said that the muted reaction of the Muslims in the world and their failure to acknowledge Hamas’s brutality on Oct. 7 as well as concern about the growing antisemitism in the U.S. prompted her to come on the five-day trip.

“Evil prevails when good people do nothing,” Deen said. “I feel Israel is fighting for the whole world.”


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Israel was Right about how Hamas Operates

Video - Miss Iraq Condemns the Hamas Agenda - https://tinyurl.com/ycxeyavu

  For the full article from the JP go to - https://tinyurl.com/fx7wjjdn

The evidence that Israel had been correct all along about Hamas’s nefarious mode of operation began to pile up soon after the IDF began its offensive.  For years Israel has said that Hamas conducts its ongoing campaign of terrorism against Israel from within civilian sites in Gaza: homes, businesses, schools, refugee facilities… and hospitals.  And it had always been dismissed by the international community as paranoia or disinformation.

The horrific October 7 massacre by Hamas that forced Israel to declare war against the terrorist government of Gaza was launched with the declaration that Israel, once and for all, was going to do something about it.  The evidence that Israel had been correct about Hamas began to pile up soon after the IDF began its offensive.

Early last week, IDF Spokesman R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari revealed an underground Hamas command center under Gaza’s Rantisi Hospital that contained not only suicide vests, rocket-propelled grenades, and a variety of weapons, but also signs, such as baby bottles, that Hamas had held Israeli hostages there. He also noted that an IDF robot found additional terror tunnels, which were powered by electricity being siphoned off from the hospital for use by the terrorists underground.  

That prompted US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to tell CNN, “You can see even from open source reporting that Hamas does use hospitals, along with a lot of other civilian facilities, for command-and-control, for storing weapons, for housing its fighters. Without getting into this specific hospital or that specific claim, this is Hamas’ track record, both historically and in this conflict.”

We saw the evidence ourselves.  Later in the week, the IDF took control of Shifa Hospital, long asserted to be the location of a Hamas headquarters. On Wednesday, the IDF brought The Jerusalem Post and other selected media outlets to view Hamas’s terror infrastructure, including its several-hundred-meter-long tunnel network.

The Post’s Yonah Jeremy Bob reported on his eyewitness visit that next to the Qatar facility within the Shifa complex was a vast amount not only of Hamas guns and grenades – which the IDF found hidden throughout the hospital – but also rocket-propelled grenade launchers, large and small advanced drones for delivering explosives, and a variety of sophisticated intelligence platforms.

The vastness of the tunnels themselves, the variety of sophisticated rooms and the blast door the IDF had displayed earlier last week, was testimony to how important this location was to Hamas.  Adding to that irrefutable evidence that Shifa was being used as a terror base, the IDF last week also released information and video footage showing that Hamas brought some of the hostages it kidnapped in Israel to Shifa.  The footage shows Hamas terrorists inside the hospital on the morning of October 7 forcibly transporting a Nepalese and a Thai civilian, both kidnapped from Israeli territory.

On Thursday, the IDF said that Hamas “used the hospital as a refuge for its terrorist forces and even brought Israeli hostages there who were kidnapped during the day of slaughter. A pathology report confirmed that soldier Noa Marciano was murdered on the grounds of Shifa Hospital.”  The IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Thursday that they had arrested Dr. Muhammad Abu Salamiyah, the director of Shifa.

 According to a statement, he was being interrogated by the Shin Bet after significant testimony and video evidence that Shifa had been used as a command center for Hamas during his tenure.  There were reports on Thursday that Hamas was demanding the IDF withdraw from Shifa as part of the hostage deal this was rejected.

The longer Israel stays in Gaza, the more it is discovering about Hamas’s web of evil and its cynical use of civilians, especially the infirm, to provide a cover for their murderous actions.  The world should be coming together to back Israel’s actions and encourage it to continue its efforts to uproot the terror that has held Gaza captive for close to two decades.